Hybrid Solutions

Hybrid Solutions

The ongoing concern in the search for increasingly sustainable construction solutions leads us to expect that wood will be increasingly used as structural material in future constructions, as wood has revealed many benefits of ecological nature, and also proves to be economically competitive. The combination of wood and concrete (which has the advantage of being moulded on-site) could become a very interesting solution for a significant number of structures.
In a building constructed and managed on a sustainable development basis, wood should be considered an outstanding construction material. The
promotion of wood as a construction material becomes an economic driver for proper management of forests and their resources, with ensuing benefits for the environment, particularly in our ability to reduce the greenhouse effect as a consequence of CO2 fixation. For a better understanding of the importance of this phenomenon, it should be noted that 1 ton of CO2 is absorbed in the growth of 1 m3 of wood.
In the processing of raw wood into a material that is usable in construction, the fossil energy consumption is significantly lower than that of concrete, steel or aluminium, which is once again reflected in a better environmental performance, and on the other hand, implies a much lower dependence on energy costs.
Consequently, in light of the benefits of this material and envisaging its recommendation and implantation, it is essential to clearly grasp its mechanical and physical properties. From the point of view of using wood for structures, the development of new techniques constitutes an opportunity for its appreciation. The association of two materials, wood and concrete, emerges as a very promising technological development.
In Portugal, a very significant percentage of the building stock is over 50 years old and in an apparently dilapidated state, entailing a variety of costs, especially due to loss of functionality and risk of collapse. Furthermore, because Portugal is located in a high seismic risk zone, the renovation and reinforcement of these structures are absolutely essential at this moment in time, nationwide.